Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Adjusting to a new life

We've now been living here in Florida on our boat for about two months and thank God the heat seems to finally be letting up. Since I have such a hard time maneuvering throughout the day when it's so stinking hot I feel like I've turned into a lazy slug. Today I took advantage of the cooler weather and headed to the beach for a walk. It was very blustery and I was quite happy to view the crashing seas and black boiling skies from land and not from our boat. I was having a great time and then when I was about 20 minutes away from the parking lot the skies opened up and wham! rain came down sideways and hit my face with such force I had to use my flip flops as a shield in order to cover my eyes while I leaned into the wind and struggled to move forward.

Now, I've never had derma-brasion but after enduring needle like spray in my face for over 20 minutes I think I know exactly how it must feel. Imagine how youthful I would look if I walked on the beach during every storm!? Or if I waited for a hurricane, I would probably only need one walk and could then be done with it!

I found a very nice fabric store close by and bought a piece of laminated fabric so I could make a new shower bag (I forgot to take pictures so I'll update you later). As you can see, Wilbur likes to stay close by.

Wouldn't you know the year I decide to carve pumpkins again there's a pumpkin shortage so of course they're a bit pricey. Actually I got mine for $5.99 each and I didn't think that was too bad. I also lucked out and found a pink flamingo and it will now be part of all my holiday decorating. Since we never know when we might want to head out for a sail I need to keep things at a minimum on the boat and therefore our dock box will now be our designated decorating stage.

Ms. Flamingo loves her Halloween outfit and she can't wait to see what's in store for Thanksgiving.