Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How do I spell "Not Having Fun?"...


I've always hated painting.

I would much rather do wallpapering.
But when it comes to 'textured' walls- Wallpaper is just not practical as all the swirls show through.

Unfortunately, I bought a house full of textured walls and somehow ended up painting Baby Girl's room a hideous dark color and added some ugly fern stencils at the same time. Did I ever think that the day would come that I'd need to sell this place and it would need to be repainted????

To this day Baby Girl denies requesting this combo.

This is the first of 3 rooms that I need to get painted before Friday!!!!!

Yesterday I washed, rinsed, and taped off 2 of them. The third (my sewing room) is far too full to even contemplate, so it will be saved for last.

When I got up this morning I had absolutely no intention of leaving my home and planned on painting all day.

Then the phone rang.

Of course.

Long story short:

Baby Girl's car will be going to the big junk yard in the sky sometime this February (when it's inspection is due).

Even though I've replaced all fluids, brake linings, fuel lines, fuel pump, gas tank, starter, BRAKES and ROTORS EVERY YEAR, and God knows what else; after 198,000 miles my little, 12 year old, purple Corolla has called it quits.

And isn't the timing (oh yes, the timer belt was replaced too) ever so amusing in that I quit my job on Friday (don't worry, I gave them 3 months notice and Hans hadn't even proposed to me yet!!) in anticipation to moving to the Big City sometime this month?

Tomorrow my car goes in for an oil change and I will not be surprised, one bit, if it turns out to be more than that.


It took over 4 hours to prime the walls of this 10 X 11 room.

Primer, Primer, Primer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate you!

I (in my ever so cheap way) tried to use a mop handle as the extension on my roller brush handle (What do you want! I'm 5 feet tall for goodness sake!)

Neither was happy and Both threatened to come apart after about every 3 brush strokes ALL DAY LONG, and I was to the point of distraction. So after Baby Girl brought my car back we picked up her poor little crippled car (that hopefully doesn't understand what's in store for it) and I went to the hardware store and got a proper handle to the tune of $3.00.

Here is the finished room.

It only took 3 more hours to paint it off white, and about one hour to remove the damned blue painter's tape!!!

Tomorrow I have an electrician friend coming over (after I drop off my car for its so called oil change) and he's going to replace an ugly 70's (oh, I better get a before picture) kitchen ceiling light, my bedroom ceiling fan (the light and the fan refuse to work together so it's either one or the other!) and an outside wall lamp that's missing its lid and so far is only good for housing hornets!!

While the primer was drying and I was without a car (Baby Girl confiscated mine for the day) I packed pictures and Christmas ornaments etc... in anticipation of my sister's husbands arrival at the end of this week. My sister has volunteered to store my junk until Hans and I get our acts together.

The stirring up of all this dust and the paint fumes are doing me no good as I'm working on a hellacious chest cold!

Just in time too as Hans is leaving for Europe this weekend on a 2 week business trip and has asked me to go with him.

Oh Boy, 8 hours on a plane with recycled air and me coughing up a storm.

Sounds like a Hans and Laura trip to me!!


Anonymous said...

I love painting, actually, but only when I want to, not because I have to - if that makes sense. How fun you get to go to Europe! Can't wait to hear about what happens on your trip.

Gretchen the Household Deity said...

Oooh, a two week trip to Europe is a nice reward for horrible painting. Putting on the painter's tape is the worst, but I am not precise enough to paint without it. Good job on covering over that color! I dread the day I decide I want to sell my beloved and brightly colored condo.

Angelia said...

I feel your pain! I tried to paint a room in my old house... once! We'll leave it at that!
Alright!!! 2 week trip! Have tons of fun. And I hope your cold gets better!