So I decided to use some left over scraps to make a small matching wallet.
Please ignore the huge button. It's a total fake and used only as a guide, and anyway I ended up buying a much more suitable one after I took these pictures. I'll update tomorrow.
The front (remember, please ignore the button).
I'm not a huge fan of Velcro, but when you're in line at the store and in a hurry, it works better than trying to line up snaps.
The top part of the wallet is where you keep your change (Velcro once again! but I promise it's secure), and that very same change pocket has space behind it to hold bills.
I guess I'll have to add a demo to tomorrows update.
The lower part is for credit cards.
I guess there'll be yet another update.
Apparently I'm not very prepared.
And the back.
This is really a quick little wallet that took way too long to make as I only had one small remaining scrap of fabric left over and I didn't want to make a stupid mistake and have to buy more.
I apologize for no parting pic of Wilbur (but no worries there, I have plenty to choose from and will include that tomorrow also)!
1 comment:
Carolyn, thanks! I can see me making a lot of these!
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