Sunday, May 4, 2008

Still afloat

Our little foursome is in Massachusetts as I speak, and once again I have spotty internet coverage. Han's has tethered his phone to his computer and has pretty good internet access, but he didn't add the software to my computer! I only told him something like four times that I was bringing my computer and he swears that I told him I was leaving it at home!

Anyway this is Sunday night and we will set sail tomorrow morning on the first leg of our journey towards Annapolis.

We've been incredibly busy and I will post when I can, if I can. I'm really hoping that I can wrestle Hans' computer away from him (who cares about plot charting, and whatever it is he needs his computer for!). I would love (in between cleaning and scrubbing) to just sit and read my favorite blogs and I brought a couple of sewing magazines, and a book, and if we don't sink I'd like to read them too.
In the past I've mentioned that there were a few minor things that I didn't tell Hans about myself. Do you suppose it matters that as a child I was known as the car sickness queen and my family wouldn't get into a car with me unless I had a 5 pound coffee can safely secured between my knees?

Well, now he'll have a whole week to find out, won't he!?


Bald Man said...

Ah the maiden voyage...May your winds be steady and your weather fair. As you make the transition to a nautical person you will find that you will never look at a windy day the same way again. Because now you will be thinking of what the sea conditions are. Nor will you ever be so at peace as when the sails are full and the water is lapping at your hull.

A safe voyage to you both...
I cant wait for the stories...

Rachel said...

My husband gets horrible sea-sickness! I sincerely hope you have outgrown your motion-sickness tendancies! If not pick up one of those sea-bands that uses pressure-point nausea-control (they recommend them to pregnant women too.)

laura said...

Bald Man, Thanks for the good tidings and Hans always comments on wind direction no matter what we're doing. As for me? I don't think I'll ever catch on, the only reason I notice the wind is when it's messing up my hair!
Rach, I think the only sea-band that would have worked for me yesterday would have been one placed firmly over my mouth!
Now, where the hell did I put that bucket?

Mary Witzl said...

Raw ginger? That's what they kept telling me I should take when I had morning sickness. I've always been okay on boats, but because of morning sickness I believe I have an idea of sea-sickness and its awfulness.

laura said...

I have a whole bottle of ginger root capsules which normally comes in handy but I defy anything to work on me in these conditions!