The frame was 'different' but not really hard to put on, but now that I've done one I feel confident in trying another.
I'm glad though that I 'tested' the two types of glue that I thought might work for this before I actually applied any to the frame.
I agonized over the glue selection at Jo-Ann's and ended up buying some Super Glue Gel stuff. I already had some Fabri-Tac from Beacon adhesives that I'd purchased at Wal-Mart last year. I was positive that I was going to use the Super Glue but when I was home at lunch time I glued some fabric with both and when I got home, the fabric with the Super Glue came apart when I pried at it! The Fabri-Tac held firmly in place so guess what? It won the coveted Glue Queen Title.
I've already picked out a yellow shirt to wear to work tomorrow that will work with this purse. I also have a sleeveless striped shirt that's lime green, pink, and yellow that will look really cute with this but I'll save it for this weekend when Hans and I go out (at least I hope we go out! I'm not sure how chipper I'm going to feel after waiting on a 'gag'gle of golfers).
This really is such a unique purse and I can't believe that Connie made hers out of leather. There are a couple of areas that I think would have been a little dicey to sew with leather but I may give it a try some day, but not just yet.
Once again, I can't stress how well Nicole's patterns are engineered and 'engineered' is the best way I can describe them. Even the way she has you tack the lining down on one of the last steps is so easy and works so well!
I realize that I go on and on about this talented lady's patterns but let me assure you, she's not my long lost daughter or sister or whatever! I'm just passing on my opinion which is something I NEVER do!
You can stop laughing now, Hans!!
Well done, Laura! And thanks for kind words - it really means a lot when someone I've never met speaks so highly of my work!
Yay Laura! Great job on the purse. You will get a ton of "hey what a great bag" comments for sure.
Thank you! Thank you! Everyone at work LOVED it!! I LOVE it and I'm taking it to my waitressing job tonight and I know everyone there will LOVE it!!
Love this purse!! Awesome job Laura!!!
It's so cute, Laura! The perfect summer purse.
I've received tons of compliments on this purse! Of course I carry it EVERYWHERE! Thanks everyone.
That purse is TOO cute! Love it!
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