Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm already in a bad mood...

and it's only going to get worse!

Sunday I'm going to have a garage sale and I hate having garage sales.

I've been loading up my garage for a few weeks with stuff and I haven't even made a dent in all my junk! Eleven years ago, I promised myself when I moved in to this house, that I would not allow this to happen!!!!

I've been telling Hans that we need to get moving on this NOW because summer will be over before we know it. But it seems like every weekend that I'd like to take a stab at it, something comes up. He mentioned postponing it until next weekend and I said no problem, but then one of his friends decided to attempt a poker game that would keep Hans in the Big City and me doing it by myself and that's not going to happen. The following week is the 4th of July and that won't work! I have a class reunion coming up too, and so on and so on!

So now we're back to this Sunday (I have to work at the inn on Saturday so Sunday it is!). I realize that I won't get rid of everything but the next time we have a few free hours on a Saturday or Sunday I can stick a sign out on the highway and people will follow it.

My dryer is still not fixed and I just read the riot act to Baby Girl about her huge pile of laundry. I find it impossible to believe that in one week (and in this heat) that she really wore about 10 pairs of sweat pants, hoodies, and gym shorts! I'm pretty sure that a certain little girl did her once a year hoeing out of her car and left her pile of stinky stuff for me to wash!

Well guess what!

I'm not.

So now we have to run to the newspaper office to pick up garage sale signs, make a few of our own, rearrange all the items in my garage, and tag all of them with horribly low prices that people will still haggle over. In the meantime I have to work tonight and tomorrow at the inn so who knows when all of this will get done.

Living on a boat sounds better all the time, there's just no room for hoarding.



Bald Man said...

Garage sale hmmm....You will have to tell me if has been elevated to the art form in your area as it is here in TN. If so you can expect the following...

Calls at 6pm the previous night wanting to take a sneak peek...followed by people ringing your door bell several hours before a Rooster would ever think of stirring to be "first in line".

That will be followed by your neighbors cursing the date of your birth because of the traffic jam caused by Zelda who apparently abodoned her car in the middle of the street with the motor running and the door wide open so she could hurl herself headlong into your junk.
Then you might notice people buying up mass quantities of things that make no sense at all.Finally when you get the nerve up to ask why you will find out they are buying stuff for THEIR garage sale (which is a bi-weekly occurence). These remarketing genius's will be the ones who want to negotiate better pricing on your $.25 cent items...

Enjoy Laura...Enjoy

laura said...

Oh Dear God!!!Apparently Zelda gets around because I'm sure she was at my last garage sale and will be at this one too! I love it when, after posting notices of 'no early sales', people will pound on your garage door and yell at you to OPEN UP!! And junk?? Yes, they will buy a chipped and dirty terra cotta flower pot because... 'this will make a purty bird feeder!' and pass up the perfectly nice bird feeder because you have the nerve to ask $2.00 for it!!!
There will not be enough bourbon in the world this weekend, Bald Man!!!

Mary Witzl said...

People here bargain over goods that are already ridiculously cheap -- even at charity functions. The last time I went to a charity coffee morning, a woman tried to get me to lower the price of something so cheap it was practically being given away. The proceeds were going for charity and I honestly felt embarrassed for her. I'm as cheap as they come, but no way would I do that. There ARE limits...

laura said...

I know exactly what you mean! A bargain is one thing but... Just tonight I walked past a group of people collecting for a charity and they were having a 50/50 drawing. However you had to be present to win and it was in a bar and the drawing wasn't for hours! Not a good idea for me. So I gave them a donation anyway and wished them well.

Gretchen the Household Deity said...

Oh, I feel your pain on the junk. I live in a condo building and can't do a garage sale. But I am giving up my car soon and therefore this weekend need to make a GIANT goodwill run. So I will be spending this evening shoveling junk out of all the crevices and corners (not to mention closets) of my home.